When Christmastime comes, there are many good men and women who can’t be with their families. They are off in foreign lands because their country called them. At Southport Elementary School, students of all grades wanted to make sure these soldiers knew they were loved and appreciated this holiday season. Our troops are not forgotten.

Southport Elementary School staff donated funds to purchase the materials to make cards as well as snacks and toiletries to create care packages.

Finding soldiers to deliver these gifts to wasn’t hard. In fact, this effort is quite close to home. An employee at Central Office has a son in the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division who recently deployed to Afghanistan to support Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. (The team is expected to be deployed until Summer 2019.)

If you and your family are looking for ways to give back, start with our article on Ways to Give Back Locally this Holiday Season. There is an opportunity to connect with troops.